Prioritizing Enterprise Risks Using Data Normalization


The Virtual "lunch-and-learn" sessions will use Zoom as the delivery method. Please use the same email address used when you registered for this event in CVENT.  On the day of the event you will again register in Zoom with those same  credentials. Zoom keeps track of the number of minutes each participant is connected to …


Software Composition Analysis for Managing Security and Licensing Risks


Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is used by developers to identify dependencies or components of applications, which may have been built using Open Source and/or proprietary libraries. SCA is essentially a form of Application Security Testing (AST) to find the underlying licensing issues and/or security vulnerabilities in applications. In this session, we'll revisit Software Composition Analysis …


Emerging Technologies and Industry Impact


This session is an overview of emerging technologies specifically blockchain, self-sovereign identity, and quantum networking services and their implications in the industry.The speaker will provide concrete examples on how these technologies are being used to address friction, create new business opportunities and to challenge security as we know it. We are at the tip of …


Seizing Leadership in Hybrid and Remote Work via Cognitive Science for Auditing and IT Professionals


In this engaging, interactive, and entertaining presentation, auditing and IT professionals will dramatically improve their ability to seize leadership in hybrid and remote work using cognitive science. Many leaders rely on traditional office-centric collaboration and leadership styles in managing hybrid teams. Yet research conclusively demonstrates that, instead of incrementally improving on the old-school office-centric approach, …


Ransomware State of the Union – Understanding Today’s Threats


This session will give you an intimate view of Ransomware and the risk they present to organizations.  We will start with a brief history of Ransomware, Ransomware Rebranding, Ransomware Rebranding, Ransomware Negotiations, then we will wrap the presentation up with Real World Case Studies showing Ransomware in Action and a Practical Guide to Prevention. Q&A …

Emotions meet AI: Tech-Driven Leadership


We will dive deep into the   crossroads of emotional intelligence (EQ) and information technology audits in the AI era. We will showcase innovative techniques to elevate the communication strategies of internal technology professionals for the digital age. Furthermore, we'll guide attendees on   cultivating their emotional intelligence, empowering them to connect and lead   seamlessly in this …

Strategic Vulnerability Prioritization for Enhancing Risk Management


Learn how your organization can more effectively identify, assess, and mitigate the riskiest vulnerabilities. This approach to vulnerability management can help teams allocate resources efficiently, make informed decisions, and proactively defend against cyber threats.